Saturday 7 July 2012

Free Coffee

Every sense is being eroded away
by this stale atmosphere
until I become just another grey face
answering the phone
realising that I've achieved nothing
and never will.
They provide us with free coffee
which we're supposed to be grateful for
but all it does is heighten the despair.
The only way out of this place is up the corporate ladder
-- where you'll get to harvest fresh souls --
or suicide.
These thoughts make me feel masochistic
so I grab a free coffee
it makes me want to shit.
I slip away to the toilet
it won't flush
I look at the bowl:
it says more than any yearly review
and I know it's time to knot the noose.

Friday 8 June 2012

Damn Condition

This damn condition comes and goes
laying any foundations to my life is impossible
it renders me impotent to aspirations
forces me to live in the present
whilst running up a debt to the future.

I grab wildly at scraps of happiness
with no thought for those it hurts
as long my ego can be massaged
it’s a few moments of relief
where I can hold my head high.

My neck aches from looking over my shoulder
not just at what’s coming
but what I’ve left in my wake
a self esteem in tatters
and a soul not far behind.

Only one thing keeps me going:
one day I held my Grandad’s war pistol to my temple
helped up there by a bottle of Blue Label Smirnoff
when I suddenly had an epiphany:
how uneventful would life be without misery?

Saturday 26 May 2012

Spilt Vodkas

Her fake tan is rubbing off onto my jeans
helped on its way by countless spilt vodkas
this is no lipstick on the collar
sadly it’s just friendship

she’s crying that she’ll never be loved
that her drinking will kill her
that she’s going crazy
no different to any other girl on a Friday night
she’s already loved
but I’ll never make her spill vodkas
and that’s the drama she craves
all I can do is put my shot glass next to hers

rejection on a daily basis
even unsaid
is enough to kill a man’s soul

I tell her I have to go
she seems distressed
but it’s not borne from any longing desire
which is why I HAVE to go
and scrub the St Tropez from my denim.

Saturday 19 May 2012

The Cat's Eyes

There’s a dead cat outside
slowly decaying in the scorching heat
a crow flies down and examines it
begins pecking at its lifeless eyes
I’m watching all this from my office
surrounded by needless stress
at the mercy of broken air conditioning
how I wish I were that cat.

Cornered by Ambition

My grip on ambition is slowly loosening
each passing day is relentless toil
all the trappings are out of reach
the procrastination of my youth shames me
my current destination appalls me.

No more irons in the fire
reticent from being burnt in the past
by my own laziness.

Blame the world
from behind my directionless life
heading towards a forgetful oblivion.

A strong man wants to be remembered
by making his mark
so he’ll be talked about in years to come
like all my heroes
but only one in a million is a hero
leaving many thousands of cowards.

Maybe I can write my way out of this
avoid this faceless future
leave my mark
get the respect I crave from those I despise
or just give up
and await retirement.

Thursday 17 May 2012


I spent a period of my life as a recluse
consumed by a sadistic self hatred
I couldn’t see the point in going out
society didn’t want me blotting it’s landscape

my parents became very angry
a mask for sympathy or shame?
probably both.
their beloved son not reaping the rewards
that a twenty one year old should be.
every parent wants their child to be happy
and fucking 
I had every cliché going.
terrible poetry
although some might say that hasn’t changed.
lost all interest in sex
which kills a man’s purpose.
wished death upon myself every night
obviously, it never came.

I pestered doctors for help
they could offer me nothing
I had to rely on my own determination
something which had brought me little before
this time it was serious though
and it paid off

a man losing his freedom is a real tragedy
finding it again is beautiful
lines drawn are erased
new ones put down
women return
life blooms.

Local Rag

I flick through the local rag
there’s no news for me
but they’re not likely to feature strippers
so I shouldn’t complain.
I reach the dreaded jobs section
sales sales sales
admin admin admin
heartbreak heartbreak heartbreak
where are the jobs for me?
executive fine wine taster
professional lounger
fully qualified ogler
who dreams of anything else?
who wants to be ground down every day?
a good drive would probably help
I look at the sports pages
the men in there have drives
they may not be in the big leagues
but the sports kids always got the girls
I throw the paper down in disgust
this town will be the death of me.

Sunday 13 May 2012


Solidarity is a false security
no two men have the same mind
subscribe to your own madness
let it take you to the very brink
look beyond the chaos
at everyone else
in similar boats
but crowded
with no room to breathe
relax back into your alienation
pour a drink
raise it to your soul

Saturday 12 May 2012

Black-Listed Magazine - Acceptance

Black-Listed Magazine have paid me the honour of featuring three of my poems in their latest update. It's a great magazine with plenty of rough hewn passion and disgust, so check it out!

My poems featured are ones on this very blog: Every Day in the Office, Hot Drive and Desperate Days.


Working in an office full of women is any man’s hell
the sense of humours are too different
you have to throw endless caution to the wind
and the worse thing is that you can’t stare
scrub that
the worst thing is that my desk faces the filing cabinet
all day I’m subjected to temptation
there’s bending over
relentless wiggling
this could truly be any man’s heaven
but there’s constantly female eyes watching me from behind
“That Benny’s a real pervert” they’d whisper
“He was looking down the back of your low slung trousers” they’d tell
I can afford the quickest of glimpses
from the very corner of my straining eye
but the frustration kills me
it’s worse than nothing at all
I need to move desks.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Gutter Eloquence Magazine - Acceptance

I bring good news that the mercurial Jack T Marlowe has accepted my poem 'Free Coffee' for issue 21 of his great online zine Gutter Eloquence. Check it out as you may well love it.


I tell her that I’ll take the rubbish out later
for now there’s football and wine
I go to get some cheese
she blocks my way
yells that later is too late
I’ll disturb the neighbours
like they never make noise
fucking all hours
what I wouldn’t do to go down there whilst he’s out
I begin to get a semi
realise I’m in the middle of an argument and lose it
I tell her “Ok! Ok! I’ll take rubbish out”
she walks off victoriously
I go straight to the fridge
grab the cheese and head back to the TV
this is the life
wine, cheese and sport
if only that blonde from downstairs was here too
I hear footsteps go to the kitchen
the silence of exasperation is deafening
she storms in demanding to know why I lied
I tell her it can wait
I won’t wake the neighbours
she can’t judge me by her own noisy standards
look how many plates you crack or chip compared to me
that last statement dives like a whale
a long list of forgotten chores is read off to me
I tune out after a while as there’s an important free kick in the game
she’s staring at me expectantly
if I don’t give a decent answer now then I’m sleeping on the sofa
but what’s she been saying?
That damn sofa is too small for me
I look out the window for hope
I find it
the blonde from downstairs is putting out her rubbish
“Ok! Ok! I was wrong. I’ll put the rubbish out” I say
right answer
she walks off victoriously
I rush to the bins
chat to the blonde
she’s split up with that dick who fucks her
my semi returns.

Saturday 5 May 2012

Forbidden Lover

It’s 2 a.m and I’m on my way to see my forbidden lover
she pounds the dirty backstreets of my mind
does things that most girls would slap me for asking
but her looks will never soothe my ego
that’s why she remains a drunken rendezvous

usually it would take me an hour to stumble this far
but the sexual energy cuts through the drink
I’m making good time

does she cry herself to sleep when I leave
or is that just my arrogance talking?
perhaps it's her using me
as an idiot with a hard cock
because I’m certainly that

we could be very happy together
she makes me feel like a degenerate
the only girl who’s managed that
but this is a small town
what would my friends say?

I mean, she’s beautiful when she comes
that screwed up face flushing
imperfect breasts heaving
completely lost to the passion
no wonder I come so hard with her

my insecurities may mean I’m lonely forever
but who wants to compromise?
she certainly doesn't
she's got me - a real prince!

these thoughts have done little to slow me down
before I know it she’s answering the door
wearing nothing but a t-shirt
I press the palm of my hand against her pussy
my middle finger lying perfectly in between her lips
she gasps and arches her head back
for now I'm hers.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Another 40 Years

I’m quietly reflecting with a Guinness
black, Dublin velvet in the corner of a pub booth
the rain is hammering down outside
shading the day with a miserable hue
work is a good half day away
I’m in Heaven
a group of old men hold court in the next booth
they’re talking of landlords past
Tommy Mochran was always dapper
but then they all were back then
I look at the bar to find the current landlord
this chainpub has no landlord
just a succession of business graduates
with no time to have beers waiting for the regulars
they’re too busy working out profit margins
these old men seem ridiculously happy
too old to work
too young to worry about death
they look forward to each day
they’re much like me when I was 18
this resemblance fills me with hope
maybe one day I’ll recapture that exuberance
the last decade’s worn it away
perhaps due to unrealistic expectation
did these old men have similar worries?
it’s easy to say they were from a more simple time
but I’m sure they wanted to put more than bread on the table
they wanted to nail that centrefold to it as well
I’ll find out the answer one day
but first I have to pay my dues
rushing out into the rain
to face life head on
for another 40 years.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Every Day in the Office

This office surrounds me with mediocrity
conversations are banal at best
I sink into my chair and try to fight the boredom
I take on some filing and lose

I look out the window at the office across the road
see endless reflections of myself
soul after soul at similar desks
clutching on to nothing
they never dreamt of this as a kid

a gang of three boys and a girl go past
they’re carrying crates of beer
lucky, young, free bastards
that girl will be crying by the end of the day
even the best male friend can break a girl's heart

the girls in this office are full of anxiety
all think they’re too fat
I’d fuck every single one of them
apart from the bitch of a boss
I do have some morals

lunchtime comes and there’s a stay of execution
there’s nowhere to go except the supermarket
the trolley collectors look blissfully happy
who argues with you over a trolley?
I sit in my car and eat my sandwiches
I’m surrounded by doppelgangers
all wondering where it went wrong
brushing the crumbs from their seats

I get back to the office
those damn kids are probably drunk now
that girl’s discovering what lies ahead from men
I’m sorting out the photocopier
I win the heartbreak stakes by a shade.

Sunday 15 April 2012

The Creep

I sat in the empty carriage of a late night train
fighting against the drink to stay awake
the world was flying by outside
but I appeared to be going nowhere
trapped in the present
no company but for a flickering light
compared to some relationships it was heaven
then the creep walked in
he had the hair of a newborn
but the wrinkles and desperation of experience
he sat down opposite me
I made a point at looking at the empty seats around us

“Where you heading to, young man?” he asked
“There’s only one stop.” I fired back
“I meant after that.
“The bridge.”
“The bridge?”
“Yeah the bridge by the station. I live under it”

the creep looked concerned
I noticed dried spittle in the corner of his mouth
probably caused by medication

“On a night like this?! No, I insist you come back to mine. It’s real warm.” he offered.

I began to wonder if it was just dried spittle

“Do you like jazz?” he asked

I do like jazz as a matter of fact

“It’s not bad” I said vaguely

he began reeling off names of musicians I’d never heard of

“Never heard of them” I replied
“Well come back to mine and I’ll educate you” he suggested

I ignored him and his offer of tutoring

“I’ve got good wine. It’s come all the way from France” he explained.

I looked out the window
the train was passing a small town
everyone there was probably asleep
lucky bastards
I noticed the creep wasn’t wearing a coat
just a tatty, tanned shirt and some ill-fitting trousers
it was November
some time passed

“You ever been curious about men?” he finally asked
“Only when they’re staring at my girlfriend.” I answered

I noticed some fear in his eyes 

he didn’t have many years left
but he wasn’t ready to go
not whilst there was so much to take.

“I bet you’ve got the perfect helmet.” he guessed

He was right
nice shape with a real smooth finish.

“Look, I’m tired, old man. But if you go two carriages that way, there’s a boy in there. Real curious. Has a saxophone with him too. Very jazzy.” I lied

the old man stood up and looked up the carriages
he stroked his chin
some of the dried spittle (or worse) flaked off

“But I didn’t see anyone. I looked. I looked in all the carriages…” he pondered
“He was asleep when I saw him. Slumped down. Easily missed” I replied
“Wait here. I’ll be back in a minute. Wait right here”

he eagerly shuffled out of the carriage
I got up and went two carriages down in the opposite direction
eventually the creep returned
he looked angry

“Why did you lie to me?! I thought we were friends!” he bellowed
“He’s gone? Are you sure? Maybe he got off at the last station?” I said
“There’s only one stop. You know that! You fucking know that!”

the poor fucker began to cry
He really wanted to devour me
or anyone, to be honest
he wanted to suck the very marrow from the bones of my soul
just like me and any girl I’ve ever met
we weren’t that different really
tears trickled down his face
they followed the crazy roadmap of broken capillaries covering his skin
each one told a story of how the creep had given up on shame a long time ago
he held up his shaking, pleading hands

“The cancer took away my erections! It doesn’t mean I don’t get turned on” he screamed

is this really all we have to look forward to?
I let out a long deep sigh.

“You give me ten minutes and I’ll meet you under the bridge at the station.” I offered.
“Oh yes, young man! I’ll pop to the shop and get some wine! I know a shop nearby! They’re very discrete!” he triumphantly bellowed.

The train stopped and we both got off

“Ten minutes. No later. And no kissing.” I warned.

The creep hurried off
stumbling as he went
I got in a taxi and went straight to my girlfriend’s
she had everything I wanted
that poor son of a bitch is probably still waiting under the bridge
getting older and older.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Forgotten Woman

She is the forgotten woman
stranded on the sexual sidelines
her demeanour keeps her there
crafted by bitchiness and bullying
it stops her feeling human
the only release is to pleasure herself
dreaming of what it’s like to let go
to feel a writhing, twisting body on top
filling her with passion
passion she longs to reciprocate
if only society would accept her
just for one day
as a living, breathing, horny being
she’d overcome that hurdle of doubt
be able to tell men to fuck her
like every woman should
bring life to her soul
instead of tears to her eyes
she needs to deny her design for life
stop masturbating
let the frustration begin to kill her
then snare a man
any man
they’re all easy
then this tragedy will end
and many more will begin.

Friday 6 April 2012

Would be lovers

Here we are, young would be lovers
between underground platforms
the smell of brake dust heavy in the air
busy footsteps of the city long faded into silence
even with the fluorescent lighting revealing her flaws
she’s the most beautiful girl I’ll ever meet
it’s as if she’s been plucked from my subconscious
to satisfy every urge I’ve ever had
there’s hesitation in our eyes
hearts wrestling with guilt
trying to forget about faithful lovers back at home
but resisting this carnal passion would be a crime
our tongues entwine
hands run up and down each others bodies
a dress rehearsal of what’s to come
we break off to an awkward silence
her boyfriend weighing heavy upon her mind
for once in her life she has no answers
she desperately looks in my eyes for guidance
sees nothing but tears in the morning
I finally get a glimpse of her true soul
it’s straining at the seams as we depart
her southbound
me northbound.

Monday 2 April 2012

End of a Friendship

Masculinity's breathing down my neck
no man wants to be a girl's best friend
only their best fuck
that's why I've cut our friendship
she can't acknowledge my y chromosome
this blindness makes me angry
makes a mockery of my arrogance
she's bawling in my face for answers
the drink always did loosen her emotions
I cut through my lust and turn vicious
blame all the shortcomings on her
the trust I once bestowed in her eyes has gone
replaced by fear and sorrow
she tries to hug me
but I've got to prove I'm a man
I push her away
smash my glass into the bar
the last vestiges of bourbon slip from the shards
trickle onto the dirty floor
and evaporate
just like our friendship.

Friday 23 March 2012

Hot Drive

The sun beats down on my aging Citroen
sapping what's left of my spirit
on this goddamn drive to work
to an industrial estate hell
which even Satan would wince at.
The misery is punctuated only by girls
stripped to the bare minimum by the heat
revealing tanned flesh in all its glory
for a moment I forget about my in-tray
until I see my supervisor getting out of her Ford
a carriage straight from the underworld
paid for by misery and spite
and driven on pure arrogance.
I can see her legs
withered, veined and a sickly shade of death
the same fate that awaits my soul
I turn the car round and head home.

Saturday 10 March 2012

Beautiful Waste

Golden brown locks
brush against those caramel cheekbones
framing those lips
which could unlock a million zips
and take her away from this life
but instead she's on her knees
with another blue collar joe
and his friends
waiting their turn
to screw this beauty
with their calloused cocks.
She should be with the men she idolises
from the screen
the sports field
who can bang her into the magazines
where she belongs
far away from these dirt encrusted cretins
who streak her mascara
unload disease inside her
but the chlamydia is nothing
it can be treated
unlike the genetic curse of the small town

for which there is no cure.

Saturday 3 March 2012


There was an odour of pussy and desperation in Secrets
one which permeated the beer and made me consider sobriety.
Men sat at the bar chatting to the girls
convincing themselves there was an attraction
but what woman was interested in a life devoted to masturbating?
The girls were sexy
but in the most transparent way
with no honesty in their eyes
and without that
how's a man to come?
“I like your shirt” she said.
But I knew it was business
and stopped her routine by asking "How much for a dance?".
“£20, baby, but if you want some bubbly it’s £35.” she cooed.
“I’m driving” I said
as I finished my seventh beer.
She led me to a booth and sat me down on a sofa
which probably held more DNA than the police.
She started dancing to some soulless music.
Why can’t they dance to Bach?
I began to think about leaving
but I didn’t have enough money for a taxi
and, besides, I had a hardon now
which was slowly breaking the fibres of my jeans.
She slowly pulled off her g-string and lay down on her back.
This is where everything changed.
You show a man a new pussy and things change.
He wants to see it
eat it
and fuck it.
She mounted my lap
began grinding her bony arse into my balls
then she turned and arched into my front
she took two fingers and dragged them down her lips.
She was tormenting me and she knew it.
My cock knew it too
he was screaming “Tell me to fuck you! Tell me to fuck you now!”
just like every other cock that been in that room.
But the request never came
and nor did I.
Moments later I was back on the street
horny, frustrated and broke.
I’d be back next week.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Five Words that Kill

"No he's not my boyfriend"
she says yet again
to yet another stud
and the world around me is drowned out
by the thoughts of him fucking her.
Fucking those fucked up problems out of her head
for one night
and maybe the morning.
I try to take my mind off the inevitable nightmares
with a lapdance
but she's got nothing on her.
The only thing in common they have is:
No Touching.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Olfactory Pursuit

Her odour is so strong and powerful
that when I scratch a spot on my nose
the car almost spins off the road
I must have washed her juice off three times
but it's persistent
just like this pustule.
"You will be mine!" her scent promises me
biological warfare on my cock
it's roots may be sticky
but it can never grip
as it doesn't intoxicate me
I don't want to dab it on my wrists in the morning
and lose myself in its symphony
of pleasures to come
that's why I'll never stay overnight.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


The fluorescent sign reads "Swedish Model - 1st Floor"
but the grotty, bare splintering stairs read "Late night in Soho".
I mount the stairs
and knock at the door.
Eva answers.
Usually she's out of my league
but somethings brought her down to my level.
Things I'd rather not think about?
"Are you coming in, baby?" she purrs
in a voice more Eastern Bloc than Eastern Stockholm.
Uniforms adorn the wall like an x rated fancy dress shop.
She hands me a menu.
The uniforms cost extra.
You can't fuck a uniform
so I just pay for oral and positions.
There's no kissing offered.
It doesn't feel real if you can't tongue.
I hand over £40
and a £2 coin for the maid.
What does the maid do?
I mean, look at the state of the carpet.
Grime from all over the city coats it.
And probably much worse.
Eva spreads her legs
and I see her sweet pussy.
It's neatly tucked in
and only spoiled by what I hope are razor cuts
and not herpes.
The sex is mechanical and requires lube
but she slaps my arse as I fuck her
which takes talent.
The beer's making it hard to come
I pay for 10 more minutes
and force it out.
She watches me dress and makes small talk about my journey home
for a moment I think she cares
but she doesn't.
I leave and pray I won't give my girlfriend herpes.

The Curves

She sees me across the crowded pub.
BENNY! She screams.
I look over and my cock begins to harden
those curves
sweet Jesus!
Looking at them packed into that dress makes me think anything’s possible
she’s drunk
it brings out the best in her
the wildness makes those curves even more appealing
imagine trying to control them
holding those powerful thighs down
She puts her arm round me and I follow suit
my fingers grab hold of some fat under her armpit
it’s firm and enveloping
my cock can’t get any harder
I could do this for a living
Benny Roberts - professional curve handler.
She tells me she loves me
I tell her the same.
We approach the bar
I walk
she stumbles.
We hit the Jagermeisters
everything crap evaporates
And then, with a peck on the cheek, she’s gone
to find someone who makes her feel a way I never can
and that’s how it’s always going to be.

Desperate Days

She was like a cigarette butt
screwed up
nicotine stained.
“You’re very attractive” she slurred.
What was that white sediment on her teeth?
it was thick and furry
like the hairs springing from her upper lip.
Her oestrogen had given up long ago.
It really highlighted the age gap.
Yet I was thinking about fucking her
my young cock pushing into her patchy haired cunt
forcing its way past those dry, discoloured labia
doing its best to avoid the warts.
Two years without sex was really starting to take it’s toll on me.
I dry heaved at the thought of coming in her.
“Come here, sweetie,” she gurgled.
I smelt stale alcohol on her breath.
It had a tragic scent.
There’d been life there once
but some bastard had beaten it out of her
taken everything that made a woman good
and reduced her to this.
I dry heaved again.
She went to put her arm round me
but I left.
She deserved better